Electronic document management system

Electronic document management

In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Information and Documentation, Jacques Chaumier defines Electronic Document Management (EDM) or Document Management (DM) as a “set of software tools contributing to the various stages of document processing: acquisition, retrieval, dissemination.”
Therefore, a Document Management System (DMS) is a software application aimed at managing
and organizing all the documentation produced by the company. 

An Electronic Document Management System enables you to organize your paper and digital files within a centralized digital repository. Such a system facilitates the processing, collection, storage, and management of documents within an organization while keeping a record of them.

How does an Electronic document management system work?

EDM system operates through four key stages:
1. Acquisition:  
– Involves integrating electronic documents into the EDM system;  
– Methods include digitizing paper documents through scanning or creating original digital files;  
– Incorporating existing documents, whether internally generated or received through digital exchanges.

2. Storage and Archiving: 
– Manages online storage and archival of files based on type, volume, and legal retention requirements;
– Ensures information security throughout the process.

3. Document Management:
– Offers various benefits in organizing documents, including classification, indexing to facilitate search, and enhancing productivity; 
– Enables additional tools such as automated workflows or integration with accounting software.

4. Data Distribution and Sharing:  
– Streamlines information sharing among collaborators;
– Facilitates sending folders via email through the online platform and even outsourcing mailing services if needed.

 These steps illustrate how EDM optimizes document management, providing a comprehensive solution for organizing, securely storing, efficiently managing, and easily disseminating data and documents within a company.

Electronic document management system advantages
Implementing an EDM system in a company offers several advantages:

1. Quick and Remote Access to Documents:
The network, often the company’s intranet, enables immediate access to the EDMS database, allowing for quick and remote document retrieval.

2. Centralized Repository for All Documents:
All documents generated within the company are stored in a single database, mitigating the risk of document dispersion and ensuring easy access to all relevant documents.

3. Document Preservation:
The EDMS system ensures the preservation of documents produced within the company, guaranteeing their longevity and accessibility over time.

Standard components of an Electronic Document Management System
In general, every Document Management System  includes standard elements such as:

1. Capture and Storage:
 Easily process documents from various sources (scanners, printers) and store them in a centralized digital repository.

2. Access Control and Security:
Define intelligent rules to control who has access rights to specific documents, especially confidential files.

3. Indexing and Retrieval:
Automatically scan and index documents for easier tracking and retrieval. There are multiple ways to index a document, such as assigning different labels.

4. Sharing:
Securely share documents without the risk of losing them.

5. Collaboration:
Collaborate on documents with multiple users while avoiding creating different versions.

6. Business Intelligence:
Manage, organize, and access essential folders and information vital to your business.

 More advantages of an Electronic document management system

From an organizational and strategic perspective, implementing an Electronic Document Management  solution enables streamlining information flows, resulting in time savings. It notably allows for:
– Faster information retrieval;
– Prevention of document loss;
– Elimination of redundant processes. 

EDM also offers numerous advantages for collaborative document production. When coupled with Workflow functionality, an EDM solution optimizes the document editing process.

From a technical standpoint, EDM ensures: 

– Document and media longevity;
– Interoperability: Documents can be accessed across different platforms and for various purposes;
– Data security through access management functionality;
– Traceability: Ability to track the history, usage, and location of an entity through recorded identifications.

How to choose an Electronic Document Management System

When implementing an Electronic Document Management solution, selecting the file format should be based on the identified needs and usage within the company:
– For documents requiring frequent modification or reuse;
– When version control of documents is necessary;
– Considering how the documents are created or acquired;
– Ensuring longevity and accessibility of documents;
– Ensuring interoperability across platforms;
– When assembling various fragments within a single document;
– When integrating multimedia documents containing text, static images, or animations.

Choosing the appropriate file format tailored to these considerations ensures compatibility, accessibility, and effective utilization of the EDM system within the organization.

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If you want to know more about PDFs please read this Article.

else you can see this article on Wikipedia related to PDF.